function [] = OverheadCrane() % This example solves an optimization problem for a crane and shows how one % can exploit linear subsystems of the dynamical system in FORCESPRO for % improved performance. The crane is described by the following simple % continuous-time nonlinear model: % % dxC/dt = vC % dvC/dt = -vC/tau + (AC*uC)/tau % dxL/dt = vL % dvL/dt = -vL/tau + (AL*uL)/tau % dTheta/dt = omega % dOmega/dt = -((-vC/tau + (AC*uC)/tau)*cos(theta) + 9.81*sin(theta) + 2*vL*omega)/xL % duC/dt = uCR % duL/dt = uLR. % % Here AC and AL denote the gains of suitable transfer functions for the % winch dynamics and tau denotes the time constant of the winch dynamics in % seconds. % % uCR and and uLR constitute the control variables and denote the voltage % rate for the horizontal and rotating actuator respectively. % % The state variables consist of xC (cart position), vC (cart velocity), xL % (cable length), vL (rate of change of cable length), theta (angle of % pendulum), omega (rate of change of angle), uC (voltage for horizontal % actuator) and uL (voltage for rotating actuator). % % For further details on the crane model we refer to the following two % papers: % % Vukov, Milan & Van Loock, Wannes & Houska, Boris & Ferreau, Joachim & % Swevers, Jan & Diehl, Moritz. (2012). Experimental validation of nonlinear % MPC on an overhead crane using automatic code generation. Proceedings of % the American Control Conference. 6264-6269. 10.1109/ACC.2012.6315390. % % Quirynen, Rien & Gros, Sebastien & Diehl, Moritz. (2013). Efficient NMPC % for nonlinear models with linear subsystems. Proceedings of the IEEE % Conference on Decision and Control. 5101-5106. 10.1109/CDC.2013.6760690. % % The crane starts in a certain position and the optimization problem is to % track reference values for the cart's position and the length of the % cable. % % There are bounds on the control inputs as well as their integrals. % % This example models the task as a MPC problem using the PDIP_NLP method. % % See also FORCES_NLP % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023. clc; close all; %% Define crane model % Dimensions model.N = 20; % horizon length model.nvar = 10; % number of variables model.neq = 8; % number of equality constraints model.nh = 0; % number of inequality constraint functions model.npar = 2; % number of parameters nx = 8; nu = 2; % Dynamics model.E = [zeros(nx,nu), eye(nx)]; model.continuous_dynamics = @(x,u,p) ode(x,u,p); % Bounds = [ -100, -100, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -10, -10 ]; model.ub = [ +100, +100, +inf, +inf, +inf, +inf, +inf, +inf, +10, +10 ]; % Initial state xinitidx = 3:10; model.xinitidx = xinitidx; % Least squares objective function model.LSobjective = @(z, p) LScost(z, p); %% Set codeoptions to specify solver settings codeoptions = getOptions('CraneSolver'); Ts = 1/100; % sampling time codeoptions.nlp.integrator.Ts = Ts; nodes = 4; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.nodes = nodes; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.type = 'ERK4'; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.attempt_subsystem_exploitation = 1; % Enable subsystem exploitation for performance codeoptions.printlevel = 0; codeoptions.nlp.hessian_approximation = 'gauss-newton'; % Generate solver FORCES_NLP(model, codeoptions); %% Simulation totalTime = 100; % number of seconds nSamples = totalTime / Ts; t = 0; all_refs = zeros(2, nSamples); cart_data = zeros(2, nSamples); time = zeros(1, nSamples); x = [ 0.15; 0; 0.7; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]; for ii = 1:nSamples % get current reference ref = getRef(t, totalTime); % record data for plotting all_refs(:,ii) = ref; cart_data(:,ii) = x([1, 3]); time(ii) = t; % set up problem data problem.xinit = x; problem.x0 = repmat([0;0;x],model.N,1); problem.all_parameters = repmat(ref,model.N,1); % call FORCESPRO solver and check exit status [solution, exitflag] = CraneSolver(problem); if exitflag ~= 1 error('Encountered solver failure.'); end % extract control and update state u = solution.x01(1:2); x = RK4( x, u, @(x,u,p) ode(x,u,p), Ts, ref, nodes); t = t + Ts; end %% Plot results figure('Name','Cart position vs time');clc; plot(time, cart_data(1,:), 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; plot(time, all_refs(1,:), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Cart position (m)');grid on; figure('Name','Cable length vs time');clc; plot(time, cart_data(2,:), 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; plot(time, all_refs(2,:), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Cable length (m)');grid on; end %% Utility functions function [ r ] = getRef(t,totalTime) % Returns the reference for the current sampling time refs = {[0.2; 0.7], [0.4; 0.4], [0.2; 0.6], [0.3; 0.8]}; nRefs = length(refs); breakTimes = totalTime / nRefs; r = refs{1}; for ii = 1:nRefs if (t >= (ii-1) * breakTimes) && (t < ii * breakTimes) r = refs{ii}; break end end end function [ r ] = LScost(z,p) ep = 1e-5; cst = 50; sep = sqrt(ep); scst = sqrt(cst); r = [ sep*z(1); sep*z(2); scst*(z(3)-p(1)); sep*z(4); scst*(z(5)-p(2)); sep*z(6); sep*z(7); sep*z(8); sep*z(9); sep*z(10)]; end function [ dx ] = ode(x,u,~) g = 9.81; % gravitational constant AC = 0.0474; % gain of GC(s) in m/s/V AL = 0.0341; % gain of GL(s) m/s/V tau = 0.0247; % time constant of winch dynamics in seconds uCR = u(1); % voltage rate for horizontal actuator uLR = u(2); % voltage rate for rotating actuator xC = x(1); %#ok, cart position vC = x(2); % cart velocity xL = x(3); % cable length vL = x(4); % rate of change of cable length theta = x(5); % angle of pendulum omega = x(6); % rate of change of angle uC = x(7); % voltage for horizontal actuator uL = x(8); % voltage for rotating actuator aT = -(1/tau)*vC + (AC/tau)*uC; aL = -(1/tau)*vL + (AL/tau)*uL; dx = [ vC; ... aT; ... vL; ... aL; ... omega; ... -(1/xL)*(aT*cos(theta) + g*sin(theta) + 2*vL*omega); ... uCR; ... uLR ]; end