function [] = forcesnlmpc_cstr(useMex, useSQP) %% Design nonlinear MPC Controller % This example shows how to create and test a nonlinear model predictive % controller for an exothermic chemical reactor through the FORCESPRO plugin % for the MPC Toolbox. It illustrates how to ude the generic MPC Toolbox to % FORCESPRO interface as well as the generated mex function. % % This example requires Model Predictive Control Toolbox from MathWorks. % % Copyright 2020-2023 The MathWorks, Inc. and Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland % % The example can be run without inputs, but to run specific settings one % can also set the following inputs: % % forcesnlmpc_cstr( useMex ) % % where useMex is a boolean. If useMex = true, then the generated MEX % interface during the closed-loop simulation (for optimal performance). If % useMex = false (default) then nlmpcmoveForces is used to generate optimal % control inputs. % % forcesnlmpc_cstr( useMex, useSQP ) % % where useSQP is a boolean. If useSQP = true (default), then a SQP % algorithm is used and if useSQP = false then an interior point algorithm % is used. % % To run this example using the fast SQP solver from FORCESPRO, do as % follows: % % 1. Run 'forcesMpcCache reset' in the MATLAB terminal to enable % simulation cache. % 2. Run this script to generate a general QP solver and collect tuning % data by running a simulation (the script must be run with default % input values). % 3. Run 'forcesMpcCache off' in the MATLAB terminal to save the % simulation data. % 4. Run this script again with useSQP=true (default). This time a fast % SQP solver will be generated used for the simulation. clc; close all; if nargin < 1 useMex = false; end if nargin < 2 useSQP = true; end %% Model plant using @nlmpc object [nlobj, options] = getSolverGenerationData(useSQP); options.Server = ''; %% Generate FORCESPRO NLP solver through MPC Toolbox interface [coredata, onlinedata] = nlmpcToForces(nlobj,options); = [10 298.15]; %% Closed loop simulation [time, cost, solvetime, recorded_concentration, reference_concentration] = runSimulation(nlobj, options, coredata, onlinedata, useMex); %% Plot results plotResults(time, cost, solvetime, recorded_concentration, reference_concentration); end function [nlobj, options] = getSolverGenerationData( useSQP ) % This fcn constructs the nlmpc object as well as the options needed to % generate a FORCESPRO solver. % The control objective in this example is to maintain the concentration of % reagent A in the exitstream of the plant. As a consequence the output % function of our plant model outputs the concentration of A. nx = 2; ny = 1; %nu = 3; nlobj = nlmpc(nx,ny,'MV',1,'MD',[2 3]); Ts = 0.5; nlobj.Ts = Ts; nlobj.PredictionHorizon = 6; nlobj.ControlHorizon = [2 2 2]; nlobj.MV.RateMin = -5; nlobj.MV.RateMax = 5; % See model functions below nlobj.Model.StateFcn = 'exocstrStateFcnCT'; nlobj.Model.OutputFcn = 'exocstrOutputFcn'; %% Set options to use with FORCESPRO options = nlmpcToForcesOptions(); options.SolverName = 'CstrSolver'; options.SolverType = 'InteriorPoint'; options.IntegrationNodes = 5; options.IP_MaxIteration = 500; options.x0 = [311.2639; 8.5698]; options.mv0 = 298.15; if useSQP options.SolverType = 'SQP'; options.SQP_MaxQPS = 5; options.SQP_MaxIteration = 500; end end function [time, cost, solvetime, recorded_concentration, reference_concentration] = runSimulation(nlobj, options, coredata, onlinedata, useMex) % Run a closed-loop simulation Tstop = 200; % Number of seconds to simulate simulationLength = Tstop/nlobj.Ts; % Number of simulation steps x = options.x0; % initial state vector mv = options.mv0; % initial manipulated variable %md =; % initial measured disturbance % data to store simulation results time = zeros(simulationLength,1); recorded_concentration = zeros(simulationLength,1); reference_concentration = zeros(simulationLength,1); cost = zeros(simulationLength,1); solvetime = zeros(simulationLength,1); for k = 1:simulationLength % set reference trajectory onlinedata.ref = exocstrReferenceTrajectory( Tstop, k); % call generated FORCESPRO solver through MPC Toolbox interface or % call mex for speed-up if useMex [mv, onlinedata, info] = nlmpcmove_CstrSolver(x,mv,onlinedata); % generated mex function has the name strcat('nlmpcmove_', options.SolverName) else [mv, onlinedata, info] = nlmpcmoveForces(coredata,x,mv,onlinedata); end % always check that solve was successfull before applying result assert(info.ExitFlag == 1, 'FORCESPRO solver failed to find solution'); % simulate dynamics x = RK4(x,[mv;'],@(x,u) exocstrStateFcnCT(x,u),nlobj.Ts); % store simulation data time(k) = k * nlobj.Ts; recorded_concentration(k) = x(2); reference_concentration(k) = onlinedata.ref(2); cost(k) = info.Cost; solvetime(k) = info.SolveTime * 1e3; % store solvetime in ms end end function [ ] = plotResults(time, cost, solvetime, recorded_concentration, reference_concentration) % Plot the results obtained from the closed-loop simulation % Cost figure('Name','Cost');clc; plot(time, cost, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; legend('cost'); xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Cost');grid on; % Solve time figure('Name','Solvetime');clc; plot(time, solvetime, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; legend('solve time'); xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Solve time (ms)');grid on; % Concentration of A figure('Name','Concentration of A vs time');clc; plot(time, recorded_concentration, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; plot(time, reference_concentration, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; legend('measured concentration','reference concentration'); xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Concentration of A');grid on; end function [ ref ] = exocstrReferenceTrajectory( Tstop, k ) % reference trajectory Ts = 0.5; PredictionHorizon = 6; yHigh = 8.5698; yLow = 2; time = (0:Ts:(Tstop+PredictionHorizon*Ts))'; len = length(time); r = [yHigh*ones(5,1);linspace(yHigh,yLow,len-10)';yLow*ones(5,1)]; ref = r(k:k+PredictionHorizon-1); end