function [] = BasicExampleCondensing() % Simple MPC - double integrator example solved with FORCESPRO % using a convex interior-point algorithm % and state-elimination (a.k.a. condensing) % % min xN'*P*xN + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} xi'*Q*xi + ui'*R*ui % xi,ui % s.t. x1 = x % x_i+1 = A*xi + B*ui for i = 1...N-1 % xmin <= xi <= xmax for i = 1...N % umin <= ui <= umax for i = 1...N % % and P is solution of Ricatti eqn. from LQR problem % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014-2023. clc; close all; %% system A = [1.1 1; 0 1]; B = [1; 0.5]; [nx,nu] = size(B); %% MPC setup N = 5; Q = eye(nx); R = eye(nu); % terminal weight obtained from discrete-time Riccati equation if exist('dlqr','file') [~,P] = dlqr(A,B,Q,R); else P = [2.02390049, 0.269454848; 0.269454848, 2.652909941]; end umin = -0.5; umax = 0.5; xmin = [-5; -5]; xmax = [5; 5]; %% FORCESPRO multistage form % note: in order to be compatible with a condensing-based solver, % variable ordering has to be z(i) = [u_i; x_i] for i=1...N stages = MultistageProblem(N); for i = 1:N % dimension stages(i).dims.n = nx+nu; % number of stage variables stages(i).dims.r = nx; % number of equality constraints stages(i).dims.l = nx+nu; % number of lower bounds stages(i).dims.u = nx+nu; % number of upper bounds % cost if (i == N) stages(i).cost.H = blkdiag(R,P); else stages(i).cost.H = blkdiag(R,Q); end stages(i).cost.f = zeros(nx+nu,1); % lower bounds stages(i).ineq.b.lbidx = 1:(nu+nx); % lower bound acts on these indices stages(i) = [umin; xmin]; % lower bound for this stage variable % upper bounds stages(i).ineq.b.ubidx = 1:(nu+nx); % upper bound acts on these indices stages(i).ineq.b.ub = [umax; xmax]; % upper bound for this stage variable % equality constraints if (i < N) stages(i).eq.C = [B, A]; end if (i > 1) stages(i).eq.c = zeros(nx,1); end stages(i).eq.D = [zeros(nx,nu), -eye(nx)]; end params(1) = newParam('minus_x0',1,'eq.c'); % RHS of first eq. constr. is a parameter: c1 = -x0 %% define outputs of the solver outputs(1) = newOutput('u0',1,1:nu); %% solver settings codeoptions = getOptions('myMPC_FORCESPRO'); codeoptions.printlevel = 0; codeoptions.condense = 1; % enable state-elimination %% generate code generateCode(stages,params,codeoptions,outputs); %% simulate totalTime = 0; x1 = [-4; 2]; kmax = 30; X = zeros(nx,kmax+1); X(:,1) = x1; U = zeros(nu,kmax); for k = 1:kmax problem.minus_x0 = -X(:,k); [solverout,exitflag,info] = myMPC_FORCESPRO(problem); totalTime = totalTime + info.solvetime; if( exitflag == 1 ) U(:,k) = solverout.u0; else disp(info); error('Some problem in solver'); end X(:,k+1) = A*X(:,k) + B*U(:,k); end disp(' '); disp(['Average runtime per FORCESPRO solver call (codeoptions.condense=',num2str(codeoptions.condense),'): ',num2str(totalTime/kmax*1000,'%.3f'),' milliseconds.']); %% plot figure(1); clf; subplot(2,1,1); grid on; title('states'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [xmax xmax]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [xmin xmin]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min(xmin),max(xmax)]); stairs(1:kmax,X(:,1:kmax)'); subplot(2,1,2); grid on; title('input'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [umax umax]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [umin umin]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min(umin),max(umax)]); stairs(1:kmax,U(:,1:kmax)'); end