function [] = PathTrackingLegacy() % Example script for getting started with FORCESPRO NLP solver. % % This example solves an optimization problem for a car with the simple % continuous-time, nonlinear dynamics (bicycle model): % % dxPos/dt = v*cos(theta + beta) % dyPos/dt = v*sin(theta + beta) % dv/dt = F/m % dtheta/dt = v/l_r*sin(beta) % ddelta/dt = phi % % with: % beta = arctan(l_r/(l_f + l_r)*tan(delta)) % % where xPos,yPos are the position, v the velocity in heading angle theta % of the car, and delta is the steering angle relative to the heading % angle. The inputs are acceleration force F and steering rate phi. The % physical constants m, l_r and l_f denote the car's mass and the distance % from the car's center of gravity to the rear wheels and the front wheels. % % The car starts from standstill with a certain heading angle, and the % optimization problem is to minimize the distance of the car's position % to a given set of points on a path with respect to time. % % Quadratic costs for the acceleration force and steering rate are added to % the objective to avoid excessive maneouvers. % % There are bounds on all variables except theta. % % Variables are collected stage-wise into % % z = [F phi xPos yPos v theta delta]. % % This example models the task as a MPC problem using the SQP method. % % See also FORCES_NLP PathTracking % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023. clc; close all; %% Problem dimensions model.N = 10; % horizon length model.nvar = 7; % number of variables model.neq = 5; % number of equality constraints model.npar = 2; % number of runtime parameters %% Objective function % definition of LSobj and LSobjN further below in this file model.LSobjective = @LSobj; model.LSobjectiveN = @LSobjN; % increased costs for the last stage %% Dynamics, i.e. equality constraints % We use an explicit RK4 integrator here to discretize continuous dynamics: integrator_stepsize = 0.1; % definition of continuous_dynamics further below in this file model.eq = @(z) RK4( z(3:7), z(1:2), @continuousDynamics,... integrator_stepsize); % Indices on LHS of dynamical constraint - for efficiency reasons, make % sure the matrix E has structure [0 I] where I is the identity matrix. model.E = [zeros(5,2), eye(5)]; %% Inequality constraints % upper/lower variable bounds lb <= z <= ub % inputs | states % F phi xPos yPos v theta delta = [ -5., deg2rad(-90), -2., -2., 0., -inf, -0.48*pi]; model.ub = [ +5., deg2rad(90), 2., 2., 4., +inf, 0.48*pi]; %% Initial conditions % Initial condition on vehicle states model.xinit = [0.8, 0., 0., deg2rad(90), 0.]'; % xPos=0.8, yPos=0, % v=0 (standstill), heading angle=90, steering angle=0 model.xinitidx = 3:7; % use this to specify on which variables initial % conditions are imposed model.bfgs_init=2.5*eye(7); % initialization of the % hessian approximation %% Define solver options codeoptions = getOptions('FORCESNLPsolver'); codeoptions.maxit = 200; % Maximum number of iterations codeoptions.printlevel = 2; % Use printlevel = 2 to print progress (but % (not for timings) codeoptions.optlevel = 0; % 0: no optimization, 1: optimize for size, % 2: optimize for speed, 3: optimize for size & speed codeoptions.cleanup = false; codeoptions.timing = 1; codeoptions.printlevel = 0; codeoptions.nlp.hessian_approximation = 'bfgs'; codeoptions.solvemethod = 'SQP_NLP'; % choose the solver method Sequential % Quadratic Programming codeoptions.sqp_nlp.maxqps = 1; % maximum number of quadratic problems to be % solved during one solver call codeoptions.sqp_nlp.reg_hessian = 5e-9; % increase this parameter if exitflag=-8 % change this to your server or leave uncommented for using the standard % embotech server at % codeoptions.server = ''; %% Generate FORCESPRO solver FORCES_NLP(model, codeoptions); %% Simulate and call solver simLength = 80; % simulate 8sec % Variables for storing simulation data x = zeros(5,simLength+1); % states x(:,1) = model.xinit; u = zeros(2,simLength); % inputs % Set initial guess to start solver from x0i = zeros(model.nvar,1); problem.x0 = repmat(x0i,model.N,1); problem.reinitialize = 1; % initialize first simulation step of solver % always with problem.x0 % Create 2D points on ellipse which the car is supposed to follow numPoints = 80; pathPoints = calcPointsOnEllipse(numPoints); % Create empty plot startPred = reshape(problem.x0,7,model.N); % first prediction corresponds % to initial guess % Create plot with initial values createPlot(x,u,startPred,simLength,model,pathPoints); for k = 1:simLength % Set initial condition problem.xinit = x(:,k); % Set runtime parameters (here, the next N points on the path) % Definition of extractNextPathPoints further below in this file nextPathPoints = extractNextPathPoints(pathPoints, x(1:2,k), model.N); problem.all_parameters = reshape(nextPathPoints,2*model.N,1); % Solve optimization problem [output,exitflag,info] = FORCESNLPsolver(problem); % Make sure the solver has exited properly if( exitflag == 1 ) fprintf('\nFORCES took %d iterations and ',; fprintf('%f seconds to solve the problem.\n',info.solvetime); else error('Some problem in solver'); end % Apply optimized input u to system and save simulation data u(:,k) = output.x01(1:2); x(:,k+1) = model.eq( [u(:,k);x(:,k)] )'; % Extract output for prediction plots predictedZ = zeros(7,model.N); for i = 1:model.N if i < 10 && model.N >= 10 predictedZ(:,i) = output.(['x0',int2str(i)]); else predictedZ(:,i) = output.(['x',int2str(i)]); end end predictedU = predictedZ(1:2,:); predictedX = predictedZ(3:7,:); if k == 1 % from now on, the solver should be initialized with the solution % of its last call problem.reinitialize = 0; end % plot current progress updatePlot(x,u,predictedX,predictedU,model,k) end gcf(); subplot(5,2,[1,3,5,7,9]) oldPosPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldPosPred); legend('desired trajectory','initial position','car trajectory',... 'Location','southeast'); end %% functions function [ xDot ] = continuousDynamics(x,u) % state x = [xPos,yPos,v,theta,delta], input u = [F, phi] % set physical constants l_r = 0.5; % distance rear wheels to center of gravity of the car l_f = 0.5; % distance front wheels to center of gravity of the car m = 1.0; % mass of the car % set parameters beta = atan(l_r/(l_f + l_r) * tan(x(5))); % calculate dx/dt xDot = [x(3) * cos(x(4) + beta); % dxPos/dt = v*cos(theta+beta) x(3) * sin(x(4) + beta); % dyPos/dt = v*cos(theta+beta) u(1)/m; % dv/dt = F/m x(3)/l_r * sin(beta); % dtheta/dt = v/l_r*sin(beta) u(2)]; % ddelta/dt = phi end function [ points ] = calcPointsOnEllipse(numPoints) % Returns desired trajectory on ellipse represented by 2D points dT = 2 * pi / numPoints; t = dT:dT:numPoints*dT; points = [0.5*cos(t);... 2.0*sin(t)]; end function [ r ] = LSobj(z,currentTarget) % least square costs on deviating from the path and on the inputs F and phi % z = [F,phi,xPos,yPos,v,theta,delta] % currentTarget = point on path that is to be headed for r = [sqrt(200.0)*(z(3)-currentTarget(1)); % costs for deviating from % the path in x-direction sqrt(200.0)*(z(4)-currentTarget(2)); % costs for deviating from % the path in y-direction sqrt(0.2)*z(1); % penalty on input F sqrt(0.2)*z(2)]; % penalty on input phi end function [ r ] = LSobjN(z,currentTarget) % Increased least square costs for last stage on deviating from the path % and on the inputs F and phi % z = [F,phi,xPos,yPos,v,theta,delta] % currentTarget = point on path that is to be headed for r = [sqrt(400.0)*(z(3)-currentTarget(1)); % costs for deviating from % the path in x-direction sqrt(400.0)*(z(4)-currentTarget(2)); % costs for deviating from % the path in y-direction sqrt(0.4)*z(1); % penalty on input F sqrt(0.4)*z(2)]; % penalty on input phi end function [ idx ] = findClosestPoint(points, refPoint) % Find the index of closest point in points from the current car position % points = array of points on path % refPoint = current car position squaredDiff = (points-repmat(refPoint, 1, size(points,2))).^2; squaredDist = squaredDiff(1,:) + squaredDiff(2,:); [~,idx] = min(squaredDist); end function [ nextPathPoints ] = extractNextPathPoints(pathPoints, pos, N) % Extract the next N points on the path for the next N stages starting from % the current car position pos idx = findClosestPoint(pathPoints, pos); numPoints = size(pathPoints,2); numEllipses = ceil((idx+N)/numPoints); pathPoints = repmat(pathPoints,1,numEllipses); nextPathPoints = pathPoints(:,idx+1:idx+N); end function [] = createPlot(x,u,startPred,simLength,model,pathPoints) % Creates a plot and adds the initial data provided by the arguments figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); clf; % Plot position subplot(5,2,[1,3,5,7,9]) plot(pathPoints(1,:), pathPoints(2,:),'rx'); hold on; plot(model.xinit(1),model.xinit(2),'bx','LineWidth',3,'DisplayName',... 'initial position'); legend('desired trajectory','initial position','Location','southeast') plot(x(1,1),x(2,1),'b-', 'DisplayName','car trajectory'); plot(startPred(3,:),startPred(4,:),'-g', 'DisplayName',... 'desired car traj.'); title('position'); xlabel('x-coordinate'); ylabel('y-coordinate'); xlim([-1.,1.]); ylim([-3.5,2.5]); % axis equal; % Plot velocity subplot(5,2,2); title('Velocity'); grid on; hold on; plot(0.0,x(3,1)); plot(1:model.N, startPred(5,:),'g-'); plot([1 simLength], [model.ub(5) model.ub(5)]', 'r:'); plot([1 simLength], []', 'r:'); xlim([1,simLength]); % Plot heading angle subplot(5,2,4); title('Heading angle'); grid on; hold on; plot(0.0,rad2deg(x(4,1))); plot(1:model.N, rad2deg(startPred(6,:)),'g-'); plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([model.ub(6) model.ub(6)])', 'r:'); plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([])', 'r:'); xlim([1,simLength]); ylim([0,900]); % Plot steering angle subplot(5,2,6); title('Steering angle'); grid on; hold on; plot(0.0,rad2deg(x(5,1))); plot(1:model.N, rad2deg(startPred(7,:)),'g-'); plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([model.ub(7) model.ub(7)])', 'r:'); plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([])', 'r:'); xlim([1,simLength]); % Plot acceleration force subplot(5,2,8); title('Acceleration force'); grid on; hold on; stairs(0.0,u(1,1)); stairs(1:model.N, startPred(1,:),'g-'); plot([1 simLength], [model.ub(1) model.ub(1)]', 'r:'); plot([1 simLength], []', 'r:'); xlim([1,simLength]); % Plot steering rate subplot(5,2,10); stairs(0.0,u(2,1)); stairs(1:model.N, startPred(2,:),'g-'); title('Steering rate'); grid on; hold on; plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([model.ub(2) model.ub(2)])', 'r:'); plot([1 simLength], rad2deg([])', 'r:'); xlim([1,simLength]); end function [] = updatePlot(x,u,predictedX,predictedU,model,k) % Deletes old data sets in the current plot and adds the new data sets % given by the arguments x, u and predicted_z to the plot. % x: matrix consisting of a set of state column vectors % u: matrix consisting of a set of input column vectors % predictedX: predictions for the next N state vectors % predictedU: predictions for the next N input vectors % model: model struct required for the code generation of FORCESPRO % k: simulation step gcf(); % plot position subplot(5,2,[1,3,5,7,9]) oldPos = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldPos); oldPosPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldPosPred); plot(model.xinit(1),model.xinit(2),'bx','LineWidth',3,'DisplayName',... 'initial position'); plot(x(1,1:k+1),x(2,1:k+1),'b-','DisplayName','car trajectory'); plot(predictedX(1,2:end),predictedX(2,2:end),'-g', 'DisplayName', ... 'predicted car traj.'); % plot velocity subplot(5,2,2); oldVel = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldVel); oldVelPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldVelPred); plot(x(3,1:k+1),'b-'); plot(k+1:k+model.N-1,predictedX(3,2:end),'g-'); % plot heading angle subplot(5,2,4); oldTheta = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldTheta); oldThetaPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldThetaPred); plot(rad2deg(x(4,1:k+1)),'b-'); plot(k+1:k+model.N-1,rad2deg(predictedX(4,2:end)),'g-'); % plot steering angle subplot(5,2,6); oldDelta = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldDelta); oldDeltaPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldDeltaPred); plot(rad2deg(x(5,1:k+1)),'b-'); plot(k+1:k+model.N-1,rad2deg(predictedX(5,2:end)),'g-'); % plot acceleration force subplot(5,2,8); oldAcc = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldAcc); oldAccPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldAccPred); stairs(u(1,1:k),'b-'); stairs(k:k+model.N-1,predictedU(1,:),'g-'); %plot steering rate subplot(5,2,10); oldPhi = findobj(gca,'Color','blue'); delete(oldPhi); oldPhiPred = findobj(gca,'Color','green'); delete(oldPhiPred); stairs(rad2deg(u(2,1:k)),'b-'); stairs(k:k+model.N-1,rad2deg(predictedU(2,:)),'g-'); pause(0.1); % wait 0.1sec to make current progress visible end function [ result ] = rad2deg(rad) result = rad/pi*180; % convert radians into degrees end function [ result ] = deg2rad(deg) result = deg/180*pi; % convert degrees into radians end