function [] = BasicExampleSoftConstraints() % Simple MPC - double integrator example with soft constraints % on input variable u for use with FORCESPRO % % min xN'*P*xN + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} xi'*Q*xi + ui'*R*ui % xi,ui % s.t. x1 = x % x_i+1 = A*xi + B*ui for i = 1...N-1 % xmin <= xi <= xmax for i = 1...N % umin <= ui <= umax for i = 1...N % % and P is solution of Ricatti eqn. from LQR problem % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2015-2023. clc; close all; %% system A = [1.1 1; 0 1]; B = [1; 0.5]; [nx,nu] = size(B); lambda = 8; % measure for penalty term %% MPC setup Q = eye(nx); R = eye(nu); if( exist('dlqr','file') ) [~,P] = dlqr(A,B,Q,R); else P = 10*Q; end umin = -0.5; umax = 0.5; xmin = [-5, -5]; xmax = [5, 5]; %% FORCESPRO multistage form % assume variable ordering z(i) = [si; ui; xi] for i=1...N % dimensions model.N = 11; % horizon length model.nvar = 4; % number of variables model.neq = 2; % number of equality constraints model.nh = 2; % number of inequality constraints % objective with penalty term model.objective = @(z) z(2)*R*z(2) + [z(3);z(4)]'*Q*[z(3);z(4)] + lambda*z(1); model.objectiveN = @(z) [z(3);z(4)]'*P*[z(3);z(4)]; % equalities model.eq = @(z) [ A(1,:)*[z(3);z(4)] + B(1)*z(2); A(2,:)*[z(3);z(4)] + B(2)*z(2)]; model.E = [zeros(2,2), eye(2)]; % initial state model.xinitidx = 3:4; % relaxed inequalities model.ineq = @(z) [ z(2) - z(1); z(2) + z(1)]; = [umax, +inf]; model.hl = [-inf, umin]; = [0, -inf, xmin ]; model.ub = [+inf, +inf, xmax ]; %% Generate FORCESPRO solver % get options codeoptions = getOptions('FORCESNLPsolver'); codeoptions.printlevel = 2; codeoptions.nlp.ad_tool = 'casadi'; %codeoptions.nlp.ad_tool = 'symbolic-math-tbx'; % generate code FORCES_NLP(model, codeoptions); %% simulate x1 = [-4; 2]; kmax = 30; X = zeros(2,kmax+1); X(:,1) = x1; U = zeros(1,kmax); S = zeros(1,kmax); problem.x0 = zeros(model.N*model.nvar,1); for k = 1:kmax problem.xinit = X(:,k); [solverout,exitflag,info] = FORCESNLPsolver(problem); %#ok if( exitflag == 1 ) S(:,k) = solverout.x01(1); U(:,k) = solverout.x01(2); else error('Some problem in solver'); end %X(:,k+1) = A*X(:,k) + B*U(:,k); X(:,k+1) = model.eq( [S(:,k);U(:,k);X(:,k)] )'; end %% plot figure; clf; subplot(2,1,1); grid on; title('states'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [5 5]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [-5 -5]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min(-5),max(5)]); stairs(1:kmax,X(:,1:kmax)'); subplot(2,1,2); grid on; title('input'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [0.5 0.5]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [-0.5 -0.5]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min([U, -0.5]),max([U, 0.5])]); stairs(1:kmax,U(:,1:kmax)'); end