function [] = F8aircraft() % F8 Crusader aircraft % The control objective is to drive the angle of attack to zero by changing % the tail deflection angle, which can be fully up or down (discrete control input). % % min xN'*P*xN + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} ui'*R*ui % xi,ui % s.t. x1 = x % x_i+1 = f(x_i) for i = 1...N-1 (aircraft dynamics) % xmin <= xi <= xmax for i = 1...N % umin <= ui <= umax for i = 1...N-1 % u_i in {umin, umax} for i = 1...N-1 (integer input) % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2019-2023. clc; close all; % Whether or not to provide an guess for the incumbent guessIncumbent = true; solverName = 'F8aircraft'; Nstages = 100; params.dimU = 1; params.dimX = 3; params.dimZ = params.dimU + params.dimX; %% Model with stage variable (u', x')' model.N = Nstages; model.nvar = params.dimZ; model.neq = params.dimX; %% Boundary conditions model.xinitidx = params.dimU+1:model.nvar; %% Bounds = []; model.ub = []; model.lbidx{1} = 1 : params.dimU; model.ubidx{1} = 1 : params.dimU; for i = 2 : model.N model.lbidx{i} = 1 : model.nvar; model.ubidx{i} = 1 : model.nvar; end %% Dynamics wa = 0.05236; wa2 = wa^2; wa3 = wa^3; continuous_dynamics = @(x, u) [ -0.877 * x(1) + x(3) - 0.088 * x(1) * x(3) + 0.47 * x(1) * x(1) - 0.019 * x(2) * x(2) - x(1) * x(1) * x(3)... + 3.846 * x(1) * x(1) * x(1) - 0.215 * wa * (2 * u(1) - 1) + 0.28 * x(1) * x(1) * wa * (2 * u(1) - 1) + 0.47 * x(1) * wa2 * (2 * u(1) - 1) * (2 * u(1) - 1)... + 0.63 * wa3 * (2 * u(1) - 1) * (2 * u(1) - 1) * ( 2 * u(1) - 1); x(3); -4.208 * x(1) - 0.396 * x(3) - 0.47 * x(1) * x(1) - 3.564 * x(1) * x(1) * x(1) - 20.967 * wa * (2 * u(1) - 1) + 6.265 * x(1) * x(1) * wa * (2 * u(1) -1 )... + 46.0 * x(1) * wa2 * (2 * u(1) - 1) * (2 * u(1) - 1) + 61.4 * wa3 * (2 * u(1) - 1) * (2 * u(1) - 1) * (2 * u(1) - 1)]; model.continuous_dynamics = continuous_dynamics; model.E = [zeros(params.dimX, params.dimU), eye(params.dimX)]; %% Objective model.objective = @(z) 0.0001 * z(params.dimU)^2; model.objectiveN = @(z) 150 * z(params.dimU+1)^2 + 5 * z(params.dimU+2)^2 + 5 * z(params.dimU+3)^2; %% Integer indices for s = 1:model.N model.intidx{s} = 1; end %% Define outputs outputs(1) = newOutput('TailAngle', 1:model.N, 1); outputs(2) = newOutput('AngleAttack', 1:model.N, 2); outputs(3) = newOutput('PitchAngle', 1:model.N, 3); outputs(4) = newOutput('PitchAngleRate', 1:model.N, 4); %% Set code-generation options codeoptions = getOptions(solverName); codeoptions.printlevel = 0; codeoptions.maxit = 2000; codeoptions.timing = 0; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.type = 'IRK2'; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.Ts = 0.05; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.nodes = 20; % Specify maximum number of threads to parallelize minlp search codeoptions.minlp.max_num_threads = 8; %% Options for providing incumbent guess at runtime if guessIncumbent codeoptions.minlp.int_guess = 1; codeoptions.minlp.round_root = 0; codeoptions.minlp.int_guess_stage_vars = 1; end %% Generate MINLP solver FORCES_NLP(model, codeoptions, outputs); %% Set run-time parameters = params.dimU; model.nx = params.dimX; problem.(sprintf('lb%03d', 1)) = 0; problem.(sprintf('ub%03d', 1)) = 1; for s = 2:Nstages-1 problem.(sprintf('lb%03d', s)) = [0, -1e1 * ones(1, model.nx)]'; problem.(sprintf('ub%03d', s)) = [1, 1e1 * ones(1, model.nx)]'; end problem.(sprintf('lb%03d', Nstages)) = [0, -1e1 * ones(1, model.nx)]'; problem.(sprintf('ub%03d', Nstages)) = [1, 1e1 * ones(1, model.nx)]'; problem.x0 = repmat([0; zeros(model.nx, 1)], Nstages, 1); problem.xinit = zeros(model.nx, 1); problem.xinit(1) = 0.4655; % FORCESPRO integer search will run on 2 thread problem.parallelStrategy = 0; % Default value problem.numThreadsBnB = 2; % Integer guess if guessIncumbent for s = 1:Nstages problem.(sprintf('int_guess%03d', s)) = 0; end for s = 1:2 problem.(sprintf('int_guess%03d', s)) = 1; end problem.(sprintf('int_guess%03d', 39)) = 1; for s = 41:42 problem.(sprintf('int_guess%03d', s)) = 1; end for s = 85:90 problem.(sprintf('int_guess%03d', s)) = 1; end end %% Call MINLP solver [sol,~,~] = F8aircraft(problem); %% plot time = 0:codeoptions.nlp.integrator.Ts:4.95; figure(1); clf; stairs(time, 0.05236 * (2 * sol.TailAngle - 1), 'LineWidth', 3); grid on; title('Tail deflection angle (rad)'); set(gca,'linewidth',1); figure(2);clf; subplot(3, 1, 1); grid on; title('Angle of attack (rad)'); hold on; plot(time, sol.AngleAttack, 'r', 'LineWidth', 3); set(gca,'linewidth',1.5); subplot(3, 1, 2); grid on; title('Pitch angle (rad)'); hold on; plot(time, sol.PitchAngle, 'b', 'LineWidth', 3); set(gca,'linewidth',1.5); subplot(3, 1, 3); grid on; title('Pitch angle rate (rad/sec)'); hold on; plot(time, sol.PitchAngleRate, 'b', 'LineWidth', 3); set(gca,'linewidth',1.5); end