import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import forcespro import forcespro.nlp import casadi """ Simple MPC - double integrator example for use with FORCESPRO with soft inequality constraints on u min xN'*P*xN + sum_{i=1}^{N-1} xi'*Q*xi + ui'*R*ui xi,ui s.t. x1 = x x_i+1 = A*xi + B*ui for i = 1...N-1 xmin <= xi <= xmax for i = 1...N umin <= ui <= umax for i = 1...N and P is solution of Ricatti eqn. from LQR problem (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023 """ # Model Definition # ---------------- # system A = np.array([[1.1, 1], [0, 1]]) B = np.array([[1], [0.5]]) nx, nu = np.shape(B) lam = 8 # measure for penalty term # MPC setup N = 11 Q = np.eye(nx) R = np.eye(nu) P = 10*Q umin = -0.5 umax = 0.5 xmin = np.array([-5, -5]) xmax = np.array([5, 5]) # FORCESPRO multistage form # assume variable ordering z[i-1] = [si; ui; xi] for i=1...N # dimensions model = forcespro.nlp.ConvexSymbolicModel(N) # horizon length model.nvar = 4 # number of variables model.neq = 2 # number of equality constraints model.nh = 2 # objective with penalty term model.objective = (lambda z: z[1]*R*z[1] + lam*z[0] + casadi.horzcat(z[2], z[3]) @ Q @ casadi.vertcat(z[2], z[3])) model.objectiveN = (lambda z: casadi.horzcat(z[2], z[3]) @ P @ casadi.vertcat(z[2], z[3])) # equalities model.eq = lambda z: casadi.vertcat([0, :], casadi.vertcat(z[2], z[3])) + B[0, :]*z[1],[1, :], casadi.vertcat(z[2], z[3])) + B[1, :]*z[1]) model.E = np.concatenate([np.zeros((2, 2)), np.eye(2)], axis=1) # initial state model.xinitidx = [2, 3] # relaxed inequalities model.ineq = lambda z: casadi.vertcat( z[1] - z[0], z[1] + z[0]) = np.array([umax, +float('inf')]) model.hl = np.array([-float('inf'), umin]) # inequalities = np.concatenate([[0, -float('inf')], xmin]) model.ub = np.concatenate([[float('inf'), float('inf')], xmax]) # Generate FORCESPRO solver # ------------------------- # set options options = forcespro.CodeOptions() options.printlevel = 0 options.overwrite = 1 # generate code solver = model.generate_solver(options) # Run simulation # -------------- x1 = [-4, 2] kmax = 30 x = np.zeros((2, kmax + 1)) x[:, 0] = x1 u = np.zeros((1, kmax)) s = np.zeros((1, kmax)) problem = {} solvetime = [] iters = [] for k in range(kmax): problem["xinit"] = x[:, k] # call the solver solverout, exitflag, info = solver.solve(problem) assert exitflag >= 0, "Some problem in solver" s[:, k] = solverout["x01"][0] u[:, k] = solverout["x01"][1] solvetime.append(info.solvetime) iters.append( x[:, k + 1] = model.eq(np.concatenate([s[:, k], u[:, k], x[:, k]])).full().reshape(2,) # Plot results # ------------ fig = plt.gcf() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.grid('both') plt.title('states') plt.plot([1, kmax], [5, 5], 'r--') plt.plot([1, kmax], [-5, -5], 'r--') plt.ylim(1.1*np.array([-5, 5])) plt.step(range(1, kmax+1), x[0, range(1, kmax + 1)]) plt.step(range(1, kmax+1), x[1, range(1, kmax + 1)]) plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.grid('both') plt.title('input') plt.plot([1, kmax], [0.5, 0.5], 'r--') plt.plot([1, kmax], [-0.5, -0.5], 'r--') plt.ylim(1.1*np.array([-1, 1])) plt.step(range(1, kmax+1), u[0, range(0, kmax)])