function [] = DcMotorSqpRti() % This example demonstrates how to use the SQP_NLP real-time iteration solver to control a DC motor % % The DC motor must track a reference on its angular speed. % % Variables are collected stage-wise into z = [u; x(1); x(2)]. % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023. clc; close all; %% populate model struct % Problem dimensions model.N = 20; % horizon length model.nvar = 3; % number of variables model.neq = 2; % number of equality constraints model.nh = 0; % number of inequality constraint functions model.npar = 1; % number of run-time parameters (in this case the 1-dimensional reference we are tracking) % Objective function model.LSobjective = @(z,p) sqrt(100) * (z(3) - p); model.LSobjectiveN = @(z,p) sqrt(100) * (z(3) - p); % initial condition model.xinit = zeros(model.neq,1); model.xinitidx = 2:model.nvar; % State and input bounds = [1; -5; -10]; model.ub = [1.6; 5; 2.004]; % dynamics model.continuous_dynamics = @(x,u,p) dynamics(x,u); model.E = [zeros(model.neq,1), eye(model.neq)]; % initial value model.initidx = 2:model.nvar; %% set codeoptions codeoptions = getOptions('FORCESPROSolver'); codeoptions.solvemethod = 'SQP_NLP'; % generate SQP-RTI solver codeoptions.BuildSimulinkBlock = 0; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.type = 'ERK4'; integration_step = 0.01; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.Ts = integration_step; codeoptions.nlp.integrator.nodes = 1; codeoptions.nlp.hessian_approximation = 'gauss-newton'; codeoptions.timing = 1; %% generate FORCESPRO solver FORCES_NLP(model, codeoptions); %% run simulation simLength = 500; % simulate 5 seconds % populate run time parameters struct params.all_parameters = repmat(2, model.N, 1); params.xinit = zeros(model.neq, 1); % initial condition to ODE params.x0 = repmat([1.2;zeros(2,1)], model.N, 1); % initial guess params.reinitialie = 0; x = params.xinit; % collect simulation data time = zeros(simLength, 1); % store time vector (simulation time) solveTime = zeros(simLength, 1); % store solve time fevalsTime = zeros(simLength, 1); % store function evaluations time qpTime = zeros(simLength, 1); % store time it takes to solve quadratic approximation obj = zeros(simLength, 1); % store closed-loop objective objective value referenceValue = zeros(simLength, 1); % store reference value which is tracked angularSpeed = zeros(simLength, 1); % store angular speed for k = 1:simLength % Solve optimization problem [output, exitflag, info] = FORCESPROSolver(params); % check quality of output assert(exitflag == 1, 'FORCESPROSolver failed to find good output') % extract control u = output.x01(1); % integrate ODE p = params.all_parameters(1); x = RK4( x, u, @dynamics, integration_step, p, codeoptions.nlp.integrator.nodes); % prepare params struct for next simulation step if k == 250 params.all_parameters = repmat(-2, model.N, 1); % change reference half way through simulation to test robustness of controller end params.xinit = x; % collect simulation data time(k) = k*integration_step; solveTime(k) = info.solvetime; fevalsTime(k) = info.fevalstime; qpTime(k) = info.QPtime; obj(k) = 0.5 * (model.LSobjective([u;x], p)' * model.LSobjective([u;x], p)); referenceValue(k) = p; angularSpeed(k) = x(2); end %% Plot simulation results % Solve time figure('Name','solvetime vs time');clc; plot(time, solveTime, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('solvetime (s)');grid on; % function evaluations time figure('Name','fevalstime vs time');clc; plot(time, fevalsTime, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('fevalstime (s)');grid on; % QP time figure('Name','QPtime vs time');clc; plot(time, qpTime, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('QPtime (s)');grid on; % Closed-loop objective figure('Name','Closed-loop objective value vs time');clc; plot(time, obj, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; xlabel('Simulation time (s)'); ylabel('Closed-loop objective value');grid on; % Distance to reference figure('Name','Angular speed and reference');clc; plot(time, angularSpeed, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; plot(time, referenceValue, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; legend('Angular speed','reference value'); xlabel('Simulation time (s)');grid on; end function dx = dynamics(x,u,~) %% model parameters % Armature inductance (H) La = 0.307; % Armature resistance (Ohms) Ra = 12.548; % Motor constant (Nm/A^2) km = 0.23576; % Total moment of inertia (Nm.sec^2) J = 0.00385; % Total viscous damping (Nm.sec) B = 0.00783; % Load torque (Nm) tauL = 1.47; % Armature voltage (V) ua = 60; dx = [(-1/La)*(Ra*x(1) + km*x(2)*u(1) - ua);... (-1/J)*(B*x(2) - km*x(1)*u(1) + tauL)]; end