function [] = forcesmpc_miso() %% Control of a Multi-Input Single-Output Plant % This example shows how to design model predictive controller with one % measured output, one manipulated variable, one measured disturbance, and % one unmeasured disturbance in a typical workflow. % It also shows how to solve the MPC problems with unmeasured and measured % disturbances using FORCESPRO. % % The example can be run with two different algorithms: The QP "general" % algorithm and the "QP fast" algorithm. % % Guide for "QP general" algorithm: % 1) run 'forcesMpc_miso()' in your Matlab terminal. % % Guide for "QP fast" algorithm: % The "QP fast" algorithm tunes certain algorithm parameters according to % the problem formulation for which it is designed. To do this one has to % first collect data for tuning the solver. Collecting data is done using % the following 3 commands: % 1) run 'forcesMpcCache on' in your Matlab terminal. % 2) run 'forcesMpc_miso()' in your Matlab terminal. % 3) run 'forcesMpcCache off' in your Matlab terminal. % After data has been collected you can run the "QP fast" algorithm as % follows: % 1) run 'forcesMpc_miso()' in your Matlab terminal. % % This example requires Model Predictive Control Toolbox from MathWorks. % Copyright 2019-2023 The MathWorks, Inc. and Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland clc; close all; %% Define Plant Model % The discrete-time linear open-loop dynamic model is defined below with % sample time |Ts|. sys = ss(tf({1,1,1},{[1 .5 1],[1 1],[.7 .5 1]})); Ts = 0.2; model = c2d(sys,Ts); %% Design MPC Controller % Define type of input signals: the first signal is a manipulated variable, % the second signal is a measured disturbance, the third one is an % unmeasured disturbance. model = setmpcsignals(model,'MV',1,'MD',2,'UD',3); %% % Create the controller object with sampling period, prediction and control % horizons. mpcobj = mpc(model,Ts,10,3); %% % Define constraints on the manipulated variable. mpcobj.MV = struct('Min',-0.8,'Max',0.8,'RateMin',-10,'RateMax',10); %% % For unmeasured input disturbances, its model is an integrator driven by % white noise with variance = 1000. mpcobj.Model.Disturbance = tf(sqrt(1000),[1 0]); %% Simulate Controller Using |mpcmove| % First, obtain the discrete-time state-space matrices of the plant. [A, B, C, D] = ssdata(model); Tstop = 30; % Simulation time %% % Create options structure for FORCESPRO solver using the Sparse QP % formulation. options = mpcToForcesOptions('dense'); % Generate FORCESPRO solver [coredata, statedata, onlinedata] = mpcToForces(mpcobj, options); %% % Store the closed-loop MPC trajectories in arrays |YY|, |UU|, and |XX|. YY=[]; UU=[]; XX=[]; %% Simulate model with measured and unmeasured disturbance simuSteps = round(Tstop/Ts); % Reference signal yref = 0.5*ones(simuSteps, 1); % Measured disturbance signal mdis = zeros(simuSteps, 1); mdis(50:end) = 1; % Initial state of the plant x = [0 0 0 0 0]'; for t=1:simuSteps % Get online preview signals onlinedata.signals.ref = yref(t:min(t+mpcobj.p-1,simuSteps)); = mdis(t:min(t+mpcobj.p,simuSteps)); % Store states XX = [XX,x]; % Define unmeasured disturbance signal d = 0; if t*Ts>=20 d = -0.5; end % Plant equations: output update (no feedthrough from MV to Y) y = C*x + D(:,2)*mdis(t) + D(:,3)*d; YY = [YY,y]; % Compute MPC action using FORCESPRO onlinedata.signals.ym = y; [mv, statedata, ~] = mpcmoveForces(coredata, statedata, onlinedata); % Plant equations: state update x = A*x + B*[mv;mdis(t);d]; UU = [UU,mv]; end %% Plot results figure subplot(2,1,1); plot(Ts:Ts:Tstop,YY,Ts:Ts:Tstop,yref); grid on; xlabel('Time (sec)'); title('Output'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(0:Ts:Tstop-Ts,UU,0:Ts:Tstop-Ts,-0.8*ones(1,simuSteps),0:Ts:Tstop-Ts,0.8*ones(1,simuSteps)); grid on; xlabel('Time (sec)'); title('Input'); end