function [] = IndoorLocalization() % This example shows how to implement a least-squares decoder for % localization in 2D. % % Assume we have noisy distance measurements d_i (noise assumed to be % zero mean and i.i.d.) from N anchors, i.e. d_i is a N-column vector. % We want to estimate the position (x,y) of a target by solving for % least-squares error % % minimize \sum_i=1^N e_i^2 % subject to e_i == (xa-xhat)^2 + (ya-yhat)^2 - d_i^2 % % where (xa,ya) are the known position of the anchors (xa,ya). % % (c) Embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023. clc; close all; global N xlimits ylimits xa ya noise %% configure settings & parameters N = 4; % number of anchors xlimits = [0,10]; ylimits = [0,10]; % limits for x and y of world xa = [0, 10, 0, 10]'; % x-positions for anchors ya = [0, 0, 10, 10]'; % y-positions for anchors noise = 0.1; % noise standard deviation in meters %% do not change code below % (but do read it) % some assertions assert(length(xa)==N,'xa must have length %d', N); assert(all(xa>=xlimits(1)),'xa out of world'); assert(all(ya>=ylimits(1)),'ya out of world'); assert(all(xa<=xlimits(2)),'xa out of world'); assert(all(ya<=ylimits(2)),'ya out of world'); %% Generate code for estimator generateEstimator(N, xlimits, ylimits); %% Plot & make interactive msize = 8; figure(1); clf; plot(xa(1),ya(1),'kx'); hold on; plot(xa(1),ya(1),'bx'); plot(xa(1),ya(1),'ro'); plot(xa,ya,'kx','markersize',msize); plot(xa,ya,'ko','markersize',msize); xlim(xlimits+[-1,1]); ylim(ylimits+[-1,1]); title(sprintf('Click into figure to place target (noise level: %3.1f)', noise)); legend({'anchors','true position','estimated position'},'Location','NorthEastOutside'); set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',@estimatePosition) axis equal end %% distance function function d = distance(xa,xtrue,ya,ytrue) d = sqrt((xa-xtrue).^2 + (ya-ytrue).^2); end %% Callback for plot function [xhat,yhat] = estimatePosition(~,~) global N xlimits ylimits xa ya noise msize = 8; % read in true position pos=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); xtrue=pos(1,1); ytrue=pos(1,2); disp(['You clicked X: ',num2str(xtrue),', Y: ',num2str(ytrue)]); assert(xtrue <= xlimits(2),'xtrue out of world'); assert(xtrue >= xlimits(1),'xtrue out of world'); assert(ytrue <= ylimits(2),'ytrue out of world'); assert(ytrue >= ylimits(1),'ytrue out of world'); plot(xtrue,ytrue,'bx','markersize',msize); % generate noisy measurements d= distance(xa,xtrue,ya,ytrue) + noise*randn(N,1); % feed problem data problem.x0 = zeros(2,1); problem.all_parameters = [xa; ya; d]; % fill the parameter (p)-vector % solve! [output,exitflag,info] = localizationDecoder(problem); assert(exitflag==1,'some problem in solver'); % always test exitflag for success xhat = output.x1(1); yhat = output.x1(2); esterr = norm([xhat;yhat]-[xtrue;ytrue]); % plot plot(xhat,yhat,'ro','markersize',msize); % print fprintf('Estimated X: %6.4f, Y: %6.4f\n', xhat, yhat); fprintf('This is an estimation error of %6.4f. Solvetime: %6.4f microsceonds.\n', esterr, info.solvetime*1E6); end %% This function generates the estimator function [] = generateEstimator(numberOfAnchors,xlimits,ylimits) % Generates 2D decoding code for localization using FORCESPRO NLP % na: number of anchors global na na = numberOfAnchors; %% NLP problem definition % no need to change anything below model.N = 1; % number of distance measurements model.nvar = 2; % number of variables (use 3 if 3D) model.npar = numberOfAnchors*3; % number of parameters: coordinates of anchors in 2D, plus measurements model.objective = @objective; = [xlimits(1) ylimits(1)]; % lower bounds on (x,y) model.ub = [xlimits(2) ylimits(2)]; % upper bounds on (x,y) %% codesettings codesettings = getOptions('localizationDecoder'); codesettings.printlevel = 0; % set to 2 to see some prints % codesettings.server = 'http://winner10:2470'; codesettings.maxit = 50; % maximum number of iterations codesettings.nlp.ad_tool = 'casadi'; %codesettings.nlp.ad_tool = 'symbolic-math-tbx'; %% generate code FORCES_NLP(model, codesettings); end %% This function implements the objective % We assume that the parameter vector p is ordered as follows: % p(1:na) - x-coordinates of the anchors % p(na+(1:na)) - y-coordinates of the anchors % p(2*na+(1:na)) - distance measurements of the anchors function [ obj ] = objective( z,p ) global na obj=0; for i = 1:na obj = obj + ( (p(i)-z(1))^2 + (p(i+na)-z(2))^2 - p(i+2*na)^2 )^2; end end